She does eventually calm down and help the main character Lyra, the main female character from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver, is now Chuck's niece and had her character changed to a spoiled brat who scolds the main character.Many evolution items can now be found in pots.In addition, due to the Ice stone not being present, Alolan Vulpix evolves into Alolan Ninetales using a Dawn stone.All Eevee evolve via a stone: Umbreon evolves via moon stone, Espeon via sun stone, Leafeon via leaf stone and Glaceon via dawn stone.Eevee (rare) can be caught in the national park.Morty's badge instead allows the player's Pokémon to use Fly outside of the battle HM Surf is unusable even after obtaining Morty's fog badge however, Surf is can be used after beating Chuck.The player is also challenged by May/Sapphire who for some reason has a Pikachu, also Tracey and May have a cold attitude towards the player unlike the anime where they are good at heart.Due to a bug fix, the player's other rival is Tracey from the anime, who replaces Blue in the original game - FireRed, as the first trainer in gyms.Silver (Even then, it's implied you face Ash instead), and Ruby/Brendan

The player is constantly challenged by Red ,even before meeting him at Mt.Whitney's gym has some Fairy-type Pokémon.Due to a glitch, female Kirlia can still evolve into a Gallade, despite Gallade being only male.Ralts (albeit rare) can be caught on route 29 and route between Magahony town and ice path.Shiny Gold Sigma includes Pokémon from gens 1-7.Ĭhanges from Gold/Silver/Crystal and HeartGold/SoulSilver It's a remake of the second generation, Gold in particular. Pokémon SGS takes place in the regions of Johto, Kanto, a bit of Hoenn, and the Orange Archipelgo. 3 Changes from Gold/Silver/Crystal and HeartGold/SoulSilver.